XAI Capital Group SA

3195 days ago

Big Ray Zimmerman of ZAI caught telling porkies about his own company now

Normally Big Ray Zimmerman of ZAI Corporate Finance, nomad to a stack of China frauds, puts his name to lies pumped out by the Norfolks on the AIM Casino. But by way of change I have been passed evidence of Big Ray telling porkies in a regulatory announcement about his own company.

For what you may not know is that ZAI Corporate Finance is in fact part of a larger group, ZAI Capital Group SA which describes itself as a ”financial holding company the business of which is to invest in investment banking entities globally to create an internationally-focused investment and merchant banking business offering corporate finance, stockbroking and financial advisory services primarily to small- and mid-cap companies.”

But Big Ray does not want shares in this global enterprise listed on the Mickey Mouse AIM Casino. That is for his clients. Instead his own shares are listed and traded on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
